On the other hand, “ Dance Of The Dark”, far from describing rituals, is a celebration of the personality of our beautiful sui generis friend Alexia -the benevolent goddess of no-nonsense-who is, by the way, performing in the music video of this song. Let’s speak about four of the album’s songs that are already out “Jane Doe” is dealing with a hard issue, not only the unidentified female murder victims, but also with the terrible and monstrous fact of the developing number of women being murdered by their partners. So they may not be really autobiographical, but they depict emotions and thoughts we share with Konstantinos about crucial matters. We either chose poems already written by Konstantinos, or we discussed about a matter and then he wrote a poem about this matter. Well, the writing of lyrics is a very important matter for us…In “Lip Led Scream” the lyrics of all the songs (except for one) are written by Konstantins Londos, the “secret” third member of the band, who is an extremely talented poet of our times who has always been hiding himself and his countless poems -we are trying since years to persuade him to publish at least some of them…We have spent hours and hours talking with Konstantinos about matters and issues of our times we share the same political and social thoughts and the agony about what is happening around us. What inspires your stories? Is there any autobiographical essence in them? The lyrics dive into dramatic pitch-black realms of an unsolved murder, rituals, and verbal violence.Like most of the people in our scene, we are moving on the fringes of this world and we feel more comfortable going through its hidden dark paths. We are very much attracted by weird, dark, melancholic and eccentric people, literature, movies, situations…we feel like diving into the depths of the universe with such sounds. This surely is a matter of character and personality all these sounds penetrate deeply our souls, and they can affect the subconscious in a unique way, far more deeply than words can achieve. Where did the attraction for cold, dark, chaotic and gloomy atmospheric sounds arise from?.Our music relationship works well because we have the same musical taste and feel, we enjoy jamming together and, as far as the composition of Incirrina music is concerned, we really do not talk much about what we play, when something works musically we both recognise it immediately when it does not, we let it go without a second thought. We were into the sound of synth bands of the 80s and of composers of electronic music such as Klaus Schulze and Vangelis when we started, we had this sound in mind and also the sound of our beloved bands. At that time we were members of various bands we found out that, for years, we both had the vision to form a group based on synthesizers we started experimenting in our living room with analogue equipment and drum machines and we were very pleased to realise that music was flowing and there was no need to talk about it or analyze what to do and how, music ideas were just happening …so, we formed “Incirrina” – the name comes from a kind of octopus because we like very much the marine life and its strange and magical creatures. We first met in 2014 and we immediately became partners in life. How did you meet? What attracted you? Where did your name come from? What sound did you have in mind…and above all what are the elements that made your music relationship works so well? Let’s talk about the genesis of Incirrina.

As teenagers, we were deeply inspired by The B’52, The Cure, Joy Division, Kraftwerk, Depeche Mode, Siouxsie and the Banshees, OMD, Gary Numan, and A Flock of Seagulls …to name just a few. We started playing music since we were kids on small keyboards and some years after we started music studies. We both have a common music background, our first music loves were Jean-Michel Jarre and Pink Floyd albums to which we were listening on our parents’ vinyls. In reality, was born in Kiel, Germany, but my family moved back to Greece when I was 2 years old. : We both grew up in Greece, even if George spent his early childhood in Japan. Welcome, let’s trace back to your personal roots, where did you grow up and how did you get into music Who were your early musical inspirations?.